The Future of Suwanee Academy of the Arts.
After two decades, Suwanee Academy of the Arts and our nonprofit arm, Suwanee Performing Arts, have our sights set on a bigger, even brighter future for our organization. Later this year, we plan to move from our current home on Main Street in downtown Suwanee to a larger building nearby at 395 Brogdon Road. The new building will provide additional space, more amenities, and greater freedom. But before we can move into the new building, we have a lot of work to do — and we need your help!

We are excited to see the amazing new Suwanee Park come to life. With that the plans for the roads will go into effect beginning Monday, Jan 22, 2024. A median will be added at the intersection of Suwanee Dam Road and Main Street/Brogdon eliminating left-hand turns. Main Street will be cut off in front of the tunnel and Main Street will be rerouted before the library to connect up with the light at the fire station. We know this will affect how you come and go from the studio. Just remember to get to our current location it will be a right-in, right-out only from Suwanee Dam Road
Suwanee Academy of the Arts sets the standard as an innovative, comprehensive performing arts academy. A nurturing home where the musical child will flourish, the dramatic artist blossoms and a dancer’s dreams become a reality.
We value the time we have with each young artist through these formative years. Success is not gained by instant gratification – it is a delicate dance between the artist’s commitment and the quality of instruction.
With our comprehensive curriculums taught by dynamic, caring instructors, artists at all levels find Suwanee Academy of the Arts a place that lifts them up and builds their confidence, where they can be challenged, where they find their passion!
Become a part of our supportive family where both students and staff are encouraged to achieve the highest artistic standards.
We invite you to come in and check it out for yourself!
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“I love watching my daughter bloom into a beautiful graceful young lady.
Thank you Suwanee Academy of the Arts for your incredible influence during her growing up years.”
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. ~Proverbs 22:6